Wednesday, 29 July 2015

2.0 Day 47 - International Tiger Day

World Wildlife Foundation

Born Free Foundation

Other notable conservation groups include:


Wildlife Heritage Foundation Big Cat Sanctuary in Smarden

21st Century Tiger who are supposted by Zoological Society London and Global Tiger Patrol

Chester Zoo who have a successful breeding programme.

The Aspinall Foundation who have several Amur Tigers at Port Lympne

Please research your own Tiger Conservation programmes - there may be a charity near you.

And lastly, remember to give your own 'Tiger' a cuddle today!

PS. My cat did not really roll in paint.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

2.0 Day 46 - Goodbye Cecil

Last year I made a blog post about the Black Western Rhino becoming extinct.
Humans really are horrible.

If you don't know about the unnecessary, long, slow and painful death of Cecil the Lion, you can read about it here. Warning: It's not pleasant reading.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

2.0 Day 30 - Fuzzy Little Wierdo

2.0 Day 29 - Charivari!

This was my view for the afternoon!

The amazing Elephant costume made for me by Strange Cargo Arts who organise the annual Folkestone Charivari Parade:

 The drummers were The Dhol Foundation. They were amazing and lead the parade for 2 hours before going straight on stage to do a set, with no break! (photo by Ian D. Johnstone)

 Check them out on Spotify or use the above link to their website. Their leader Johnny posted this video (use link) of their drumming, my (tired) dancing and the sea view.

A few more pics from Claire:

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

2.0 Day 26 - I don't have a T.V.

Note: The most interesting thing ever broadcast by any of those channels was the time the playout centre (who dealt with about 200 TV channels) accidentally put a porno tape in one of our channels output machines.