Wednesday 25 December 2013

Day 105 - Happy Jesus's Birthday!

 Chad Kroeger:

A Past Times nightie:

A Sunday School Jesus:

(This whitened, Westernised version of Jesus came about to de-Jewify Jesus, probably around the early middle ages when anti-semitic feeling was particularly strong and the Jews were hated for 'killing' Jesus. The image was probably consciously altered to inspire Crusaders travelling to Jerusalem who may not have fought for a religion represented by a swarthy, darker man who strongly resembled the men they were fighting against)

What Jesus really looked like (according to former University of Manchester forensic artist Richard Neave):

PS: This artist does not condone listening to Nickleback! Don't do it Kids!

PPS: Jesus was probably born about 17th April, not December (although the date is highly debatable). 25th of December was a compromise with paganism, because Emperor Constantine did not want to celebrate Chanukah with the Jews (who he blamed for killing Jesus) but also wanted the pagans celebrating the winter solstice to convert, hence the mash up of Christian & Pagan symbolism we see today.

1 comment:

  1. What a fascinating post - I found that all an interesting Boxing Day read.
